Asylum Quartz Clusters

  • Asylum Quartz Clusters

Asylum Quartz Clusters


Known as Asylum Quartz because of the "crazy" amount of variations and unusual inclusions that can be found, this asylum quartz cluster features limitless specks of color. Mined from the Katanga province of the Congo and formed in Pegmatites, the last super-heated fluid to crystalize in magma pools. Minerals in Asylum Quartz can include Quartz (varieties Amethyst and Citrine), Hematite, Rutile, Manganese, Tourmaline, Microcline, Spudomene, Orthoclase, and Mica. This crystal scheme embodies the gentle lines and expressive colors used in the iconic artwork of the Lwena people who hail from this region. 

Metaphysical: Quartz is a powerful healing stone, neutralizing negative energy and reinforcing positive energy. Quartz aids in sleep by fending off nightmares and manifesting dreams. Quartz can amplify one’s energy as well as the energy of other stones.

Each Size will fall between a weight range:

Mini: 65-70 g

Small: 75-105 g

Medium: 125-185 g

Large: 195-260 g

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  • Description

Known as Asylum Quartz because of the "crazy" amount of variations and unusual inclusions that can be found, this asylum quartz cluster features limitless specks of color. Mined from the Katanga province of the Congo and formed in Pegmatites, the last super-heated fluid to crystalize in magma pools. Minerals in Asylum Quartz can include Quartz (varieties Amethyst and Citrine), Hematite, Rutile, Manganese, Tourmaline, Microcline, Spudomene, Orthoclase, and Mica. This crystal scheme embodies the gentle lines and expressive colors used in the iconic artwork of the Lwena people who hail from this region. 

Metaphysical: Quartz is a powerful healing stone, neutralizing negative energy and reinforcing positive energy. Quartz aids in sleep by fending off nightmares and manifesting dreams. Quartz can amplify one’s energy as well as the energy of other stones.

Each Size will fall between a weight range:

Mini: 65-70 g

Small: 75-105 g

Medium: 125-185 g

Large: 195-260 g