Cuperite with Malachite Sphere

  • Cuperite with Malachite Sphere

Cuperite with Malachite Sphere


Mined as an ore of Copper, Cuperite is sometimes called Ruby Copper, due to its red color. It forms alongside Malachite, which is also a copper mineral, and both are quite dense. This sphere is polished Cuprite with some Malachite. 

Metaphysical: Root Chakra, Cuperite is good for vitality and energy. 

228g  1.73” diameter 

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Mined as an ore of Copper, Cuperite is sometimes called Ruby Copper, due to its red color. It forms alongside Malachite, which is also a copper mineral, and both are quite dense. This sphere is polished Cuprite with some Malachite. 

Metaphysical: Root Chakra, Cuperite is good for vitality and energy. 

228g  1.73” diameter