Dumortierite Chips

  • Dumortierite Chips

Dumortierite Chips


Dumortierite (Blue Rutile) is formed when rocks deep underground are heated by nearby magma, changing them chemically. Its bright blue comes from inclusions of Aluminum, and it is sometimes mistaken for Sodalite.

ncreases peace & relaxation. It encourages confidence & patience. This crystal offers knowledge about the universe. 

Please note, that each crystal is unique and may have variations in color, shape, and other natural characteristics. The images are only a small representation of our collection.

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  • Description

Dumortierite (Blue Rutile) is formed when rocks deep underground are heated by nearby magma, changing them chemically. Its bright blue comes from inclusions of Aluminum, and it is sometimes mistaken for Sodalite.

ncreases peace & relaxation. It encourages confidence & patience. This crystal offers knowledge about the universe. 

Please note, that each crystal is unique and may have variations in color, shape, and other natural characteristics. The images are only a small representation of our collection.